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When you have a child who is experiencing developmental challenges it is normal to have a lot of questions. We are here to answer any questions you may have about Early Movement Therapy or Conductive Education by phone, through the contact form, or during your free initial assessment. Please don't hesitate to reach out, we would love to talk to you.

  • What is Conductive Education?
    Conductive Education combines education, psychology and medical science and considers all aspects of the person simultaneously. It was developed in Hungary in the mid 1930’s by Dr Andras Peto who was the first physician who strongly believed that the damaged brain can form new connections and pathways through repetition and active learning. It’s called neuroplasticity and it's central to Conductive Education's philosophy.
  • What is the first step?
    Please fill out the Contact form below, or if you would like to meet Ildi and evaluate whether you, Ildi and your child are a good fit, please feel free to book a free assessment. Ildi will assess your child's individual needs and your aspirations for them and help you evaluate whether Conductive Education is an appropriate approach for them.
  • How often should I book sessions?
    Consistency and repetition are important for longer term outcomes. In my experience the best results are achieved when children are seen at least once per week. To further improve outcomes, I would also suggest that you maintain a consistent and active home routine where you can encourage your child to have short playtimes when s/he can practice the new motor skills that s/he learnt during the session.
  • How do Pricing Plans work?
    Pricing plans are a good way to save if your child regularly visits Ildi. They act like a voucher, so you can book sessions in the future and instead of paying with your card or by cash, you can select your active pricing plan as the payment source. Some pricing plans have a fixed time in which you can book sessions. Make sure you book all of your sessions before the time elapses. You can book sessions either through the website, specifying your payment plan as the payment source, or alternatively you can arrange with Ildi to book your sessions manually. To purchase a payment plan, you will be prompted to sign up with our website. Then when you want to use the payment plan, just visit the website, log in, book your session as normal, and then select your active payment plan as the payment source.
  • Can I book a recurring session for my Pricing Plan?
    Yes you can! Just get in touch with me by email, phone, the web Contact form, or during one of your sessions and I can arrange a recurring session. Once this is set up you won't need to come to the website to book each session freeing you up to do more important things, like spending time with your amazing child.

Is Conductive Therapy right for your child?

You can book an initial consultation of approx. 30 minutes.

It gives you the opportunity to share your child’s progress, challenges, and your goals for them in the future.


During the consultation we will observe your child’s movements and explore what they can presently do with and without support. Based on this observations we will be able to assess whether we are right for your child.

Where to find us

Get in touch

104 Ocean View Road, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand

Tel: 021 172 2880

Opening Hours:

Mon - Fri: 8am - 4pm 

​​Saturday: 8am - 12pm ​

Sunday: Closed

Thanks for reaching out!

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© 2023 by Early Movement Therapy | Website Created by: SC

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